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Image by Geronimo Giqueaux

Maximize Efficiency of Your Assets During Unexpected Space Events

Aspect Link: A Platform for Space Weather Awareness and Actionable Intelligence

Space Weather: Did you know?

Space Weather causes $10-$15 Billion in damages each year! Space Weather wreaks havoc in space and on Earth, from Satellites to GPS to Power Grids to …

Image by NASA

Are you Prepared for an Ionosphere Storm?


Amount lost in a single day caused by an ionospheric event in 2024


Amount of power grid infrastructure damages an X-Class Flare could cause


Replacement value of satellites currently in orbit


TRL Level of Aspect Aerospace Space Weather Sensor and Satellite Bus Modules

And it's not just the "big events"! Space weather causes numerous small issues, adding up to monetary losses over time

Abstract Red Lines

Visualize the Space Weather Environment in Real-Time

Our phase one solution, Aspect Link, combines terrestrial and space weather analysis into a single tool that shows the impact of weather on satellite downlinks, ground station operations, and power grids. 


In phase two, Aspect Live will rely on unique patent-pending sensor technology to offer an unrivaled view of the ionosphere and space weather. This benefits all who own or rely on space assets, including GPS users, airlines, space domain awareness, maritime, precision agriculture, etc.

Aspect Cloud Platform

Access live space weather data in real time, from anywhere in the world.

Measurements Made On-Orbit

Our breakthrough sensor technology measures space weather where it matters, at satellites in orbit around Earth. No more guesswork.

Tailored to Your Needs

Our platform provides actionable intelligence to your organization and its needs, from satellite operators to power grid operators to ground station operators.

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